Pesto's New Blog

Hi Buddies!

Pesto is happy to announce that he has been working on a new blog and he is excited for you to see it! Just click on the link below to see the new EcoBuddies Blog!

Come on over and check it out! Pesto will soon stop using this blogger blog and will only be using the Official EcoBuddies Blog for all of his messages, parties and posts. So switch over today:)


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Monday, June 29, 2009

Violets GREEN EcoBuddies Blog

Posted by Pesto The So So Magician at 5:31 PM

Hey Hey! It's me Violet- ha ha- I am writing on Pesto's blog. We are BFFs so it doesn't really matter. Anyhow- come visit my blog, k???? It is at

Be there or be square!



Anonymous said...

this is eraser speeking well i think that is not a reel dog it must b a poka dot horse. corect me if im rong k?

Anonymous said...

this is eraser speeking well i think that is not a reel litle dog it looks like a rabitt to me corect me if im rong ok its late i hafta go to bed by cuya on ecobudys somone rite sumthin on here ok?