Pesto's New Blog

Hi Buddies!

Pesto is happy to announce that he has been working on a new blog and he is excited for you to see it! Just click on the link below to see the new EcoBuddies Blog!

Come on over and check it out! Pesto will soon stop using this blogger blog and will only be using the Official EcoBuddies Blog for all of his messages, parties and posts. So switch over today:)


Vote for the Decorating Contest

Monday, July 27, 2009

Clean your browser cache!

Posted by Pesto and Violet at 9:18 PM
Hey Buddies!

Make sure that you clean out your browser cache so that you can see all of the cool new clothing that we just put in today.

If you don't know how to clear your browser cache, make sure to read the posts lower in this blog that explain how to clear the cache for firefox and internet explorer.



Anonymous said...

Pesto I tried Primary games and didnt work??? wahhhhhh!!! I wanted to go to the members party for the first time :( :( Its not goin soo well is the website broken?? Or did i get banned?? I only made like two spelling mistakes???? And if i cant log on tommorow! I hope u rearrange the party... I was lookin forward to this so is PESTO SIS wahhhhh!!!! I hope i can log on - Tinayumyums

Anonymous said...

pesto im so sad i want to be there but i cant plz oh plz change it to another day plz plz plz plz plz . right back and plz chand=ge it to another day plz . PESTOS SIS