I am so excited! I have heard there are lots of parties going on in EcoBuddies! I was walking through EcoBuddies today and I came across a party of fifty Buddies jumping around the Surf Shack looking as funny as ever- some were huge, some were tiny, some were EVEN invisible! How can this be? I am so amazed!
Like magic, these partying Buddies got 100 coins each because I was SO impressed with their dancing and party abilities! I think maybe I will give away more coins during parties. What do you think?
Did you know we have a party button at the top of our game screen, right beside the place where you can change costumes? I use this to have SUPER CRAZY parties with lots of balloons and streamers.
Also, I am still waiting for some submissions of Buddies in crazy HUGE costumes. I need a laugh today, so can you guys pleasssse send me some funny screenshots?
By the way, my magic trick went splendidly during my performance with Chief Tiki. Although in the middle of my trick, the bunny I was about to pull out of my top hat ran away and drank some pineapple juice from the surf shack. He then, of course, went invisible and I LOST him. Thankfully I found him at the pier on Tiki Islands- BUT check this out! When I got to the pier this boat was there (see picture above). How mysterious! Where do you think this boat is from and where do you think it is going? Let me know your thoughts!
I think it is going to a world of pirates- maybe they are bad, screaming meany pirates.
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