Pesto's New Blog
Hi Buddies!
Pesto is happy to announce that he has been working on a new blog and he is excited for you to see it! Just click on the link below to see the new EcoBuddies Blog! on over and check it out! Pesto will soon stop using this blogger blog and will only be using the Official EcoBuddies Blog for all of his messages, parties and posts. So switch over today:)
uh. mr pesto can you add my blog please. and if u dont i completly understand. but i would like it if u did. but if u dont thats okay.
wer r u ccz i misss u--this is me eraser----plese combak soon!
Ummmmm Pesto can you add my blog to your blog and i will add yours t mine and if you cant you cant its okay.
Ummm PESTO can you add my blog to your blog because its a cool blog its name is
I found three eggs in the winding woods and one outside the waterfall and two in granny walnuts store and two in the evergreen west and two in PESTO'S shop and three in the evergreen east and two in the science lab in the time machine and in the mushrooms case in the science lab and one more in the big Easter basket in the field.
I found three eggs in the winding woods and one outside the waterfall and two in granny walnuts store and two in the evergreen west and two in your shop pesto lol and three in the evergreen east and two in the science lab with the guy with the white mustache and in the time machine and in the mushrooms case in the science lab and one more in the big Easter basket in the field.
this is all i foundf yoo from jcsiinga
HI EVERYONE! Its the bling-bling with the bling-bling here! i haven't been on for a while, but heres what i'm going to say. The Anonymous blog that said they were pesto IS NOT pesto, heres what it said: Hi Lax, Sure we can make a white mustache I think. Let me see how long it will take to put in the game :-)Pesto
First of all When pesto blogs it always says pesto and violet. and just cause i said this doesn't mean you can use the name pesto and violet and think you can get away with it! Its just wrong to copy pesto! HE DOESN"T LIKE IT AND WILL BAN YOU IF HE FINDS OUT YOU DID IT! And he can find out cause all websites have a tracking system that tracks what you do on another website after you visit theres! SO DON"T DO IT! And pesto please consider my costume! THANKS EVERYONE!
Chaching$ ! Bling-bling
hi panda peace. Are u also piggers?
I wanted to put somethin on your contest for the helpful thing but I can only put a coment on anonmymous. You r nice and have good ideas. Rock on! (from feather)
Thanks Bling for your concern! That was me though when I wrote that to Lax1111 I was just not on my computer so I was not logged in as Pesto- lol. Awesome to see you back! We missed you! Shazam! Pesto
I might quit ecobuddies :( -gogogama
gogogama :( :( :( no nonono wat hapened....was someone mean and if they were i'll put my gorilla costum on and chase them all r fun and nice so dont go way eggo :(
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