Pesto's New Blog
Hi Buddies!
Pesto is happy to announce that he has been working on a new blog and he is excited for you to see it! Just click on the link below to see the new EcoBuddies Blog! on over and check it out! Pesto will soon stop using this blogger blog and will only be using the Official EcoBuddies Blog for all of his messages, parties and posts. So switch over today:)
i need to get a bat costume pronto!
me toooo
I need to talk to you pesto! Do you have aim? Or hotmail? Well my email is: send me somethign so i can talk to you, i need a membership urgently if you acn donate 1 month membership to purplegummy it will be awesome i acn do anything for it ;-)
Comba, Am i part of the Jellybean Team? ~fuzzbally~
fuzzbally, you are an agent
Since everyone is copying me my making a blog, that is another reason why I am going missing, but if you find me, I will stop hidin, I will go missing on Monday. I have noticed that ever since I have announced I will go missing, BURGLAR has been striking. It is up to you all to find me before BURGLAR attacks AGAIN, I will leave Pesod in charge, with upatnight as co-leader. Sunoop will be the top agent. Cobma out, SHAZAM!!!!
perplgummy u shud try to win a membershep by entring in a contest wen ther is a contest somtime .dont u think thats a good ideea?i hope u win. yur frend on ecobudys--porkchop
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